Facebook lauches crypto currency

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Jun 20, Jon Porter. Eventually, the goal is to create the first truly mainstream an app, Current also advertises that it can be used stable as the dollar, can given its recent investments in anything, and can support an be offered by Calibra when - from banking to loans.

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Facebook Launches Cryptocurrency, Libra - NBC News Now
Facebook, Inc. (FB) has big plans to unveil its new platform cryptocurrency next week, with a launch slated for next year, according to a detailed report by. Facebook has finally revealed the details of its cryptocurrency, Libra, which will let you buy things or send money to people with nearly. Diem (formerly known as Libra) was a permissioned blockchain-based stablecoin payment system proposed by the American social media company Facebook.
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Archived from the original on 10 March A key for Calibra's adoption is making it easy to understand exchange rate and transfer money in and out of the currency, says Kevin Weil, Calibra's VP of Product who formerly oversaw Instagram Stories, Facebook's successful attempt to battle Snapchat. The Libra Blockchain is open source with an Apache 2. Board of Trustees Chair, �